How to get your corporate exhibition up and running



You have already registered your company and now you want to start using everything for customer, partner or employee contact?

Or you are about to decide whether registration and use of is worthwhile for you?

Then this article is just right for you. In this we show you how easy it is to realize content and virtual experiences with your network on

Basic is a platform that enables your company to provide content and experiences invisibly to all users. However, you also have the option of making offers available to all users of and, furthermore, of making content available to a selected group of users in access-restricted areas. A selected user group can be a special customer, all partners, a trade partner, who looks after his customers in this area or also an area for employees or craftsmen, to whom again other contents are made available. We will be happy to find out what this can look like for you in a joint consultation. Click here to book an appointment if you have not yet had a conversation with us.


We have divided the platform into different sections. Links host all the content you want to share with your audience. The legal details of can also be found here.

On the right side, the user details are available, such as the chat, calendar, profile and other information, which are individually relevant and usable for the user.

As a central element we have chosen a “tile layout”, which can be scrolled horizontally. These tiles can be designed very differently in terms of appearance and content, more about this later in the section.

Tile types

There are the following types of tiles on the platform:

  1. Company link – with this you can link to another company to mutually link visitors about the partnership
  2. Workspaces – this allows you to link from the publicly available workspace to a private workspace, for example. Any visitor without access in this case must request access and you will be informed about this request. This gives you the opportunity to generate a lead via
  3. Page – this is a kind of subcategory of the tile view. When clicking on the tile, which is a page, a new tile page is displayed to the visitor. This gives you the option, for example, of making all operating instructions or recorded webinars on a topic available in bundled form.
  4. Meeting – this refers to virtual event formats of various kinds. Provided that you have created a virtual event, you can place it with a tile at any position.
  5. Stage – the Stage is the 3D world of experience. This is where all the virtual 3D experiences take place, which you can place in an individual location using a tile.
  6. Document – this tile type links to a document that you have previously uploaded to the platform. This can be images, videos or PDF. When you click on the tile, the linked document is displayed accordingly on
  7. External – with it you can send visitors to your own website or other external websites. The external web page opens in a new browser tab.
  8. HTML – with this type you can write your own content on and design it in the layout. This works like a text program. Add text, images, videos and more here and customize the layout. The visitor will consume the content formatted accordingly.

Each tile is also given a name and subtitle, which are visible directly on the tile to show the visitor what to expect when clicking on it. Likewise, additional information can be stored for each tile. Thus, a description and short description are available, which are displayed when clicking on the “i” info button on the tile.

When creating a tile, you can also add the image for the tile. For this we recommend an image size of 800px x 600px in web optimized quality.


Any visible content and text you can provide in different languages. Also, if visitors are invited or reminded of appointments via, they will be contacted directly in the languages selected for the visitors.

Currently the following languages are available:

  • English (as default language, if no other language or a language of a user is not available)
  • German
  • French
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • Chinese
  • Russian

Accessibility of your company

Each company is directly accessible via a URL. The URL can be set individually in the settings according to the following principle:

You can use this URL accordingly for many occasions, whether emails, linking or for embedding in your website. This URL represents your “home page” on and should be used as the first point of contact for your contacts.

Your company is further divided into areas, these are called Workspaces on A workspace gives you the opportunity to make content available to specific target groups or for a specific occasion, such as an online trade fair.

The workspaces also have their own URL. This can be individualized in the Workspace area. The URL to the workspace will then look like this:

This URL gives you the opportunity to link directly to it, for example, when inviting people to an online trade fair. Or you can use it to lead your partners directly to the partner portal.

The various entry points, either via the company URL or the workspace URL, can be customized with text, background image and logo.

Access rights works very much via access rights. This gives you the possibility to assign your contacts to the different workspaces. Workspaces that are not marked as public (what this means is explained in the section “Workspaces”) are not displayed to the contacts as long as they do not have access to them. This is helpful, for example, if you also cover your internal employee network via and do not want to show partners and customers what content you make available in the employee area.

Users of a workspace are managed in the user administration by administrators, who must have the title Owner or Editor.

Owners are administrators of a workspace, who then also have overarching rights for the company. However, owners do not automatically have owner rights for all workspaces. For example, there may be multiple owners who can manage the company setting but not the workspaces of their colleagues because they do not have owner rights in the other workspace.

Editors are administrators of a workspace, but have no editing rights to the owner or at the company level. However, you can edit other editors and manage all content in one workspace.

Readers are visitors to a workspace and can access all content in the workspace.

Guest are visitors who have logged into a workspace directly via the registration. You can access the workspace and content within it.

Invited are visitors who have requested access to a workspace but have not yet been approved for it by an editor or owner. This means that a user in “Invited” status cannot yet see the contents of the workspace. As soon as an owner or editor has changed the status of the invited visitor, the visitor will be informed about the status change via email and can read the content from then on. If an Invited user is denied access and is deleted from the user area, they will not be notified.

Company details

There are two ways to set up your business on Either you want to present your company publicly, so every registered user of can see your company with the publicly available content. You can define which content is publicly available individually.

Or you define that your company remains purely “private” on, so that no user of who does not have access to your company area knows that it even exists.

Enter a login title and login text in the company area. This is displayed to visitors on the registration page under your company URL.

Enter the desired URL in the detail area of your company.

It’s best to upload a logo to the platform in PNG or JPG format. We recommend the dimensions of about 500px x 200px, optimized for web display. Here, however, you should try different dimensions with your logo, as it then fits best visually for you.

Likewise, upload a background image for your company in the details area. This image should be at least 1920px x 1080px and also optimized for web display to keep loading time low.

Set up home page from the company

You can create your company’s home page, the content that is displayed to visitors in the tile overview, in two ways.

  1. The following tile types can be created via the HOME area of the company:
    1. Company
    2. Workspace
    3. Page
    4. External
  2. 2. you can define a workspace as “Default”, so this workspace is also available to users who are not logged in and replaces the “Home” start page of your company.


A workspace on can be set up as public or private.

Public workspaces can be seen by all visitors to your organization. If your company is set up privately, only the authorized users who have access to your company at all can access the public workspace. If your company is publicly available on the platform, any user of the platform can access this workspace.

Private workspaces are only visible to users who have explicit access to this workspace.

You set up this distinction in the workspace details. Also choose a URL and add the Login Title and Login Text for the page, which users will see if you are not logged in yet.

In the Workspace, as for the company, there is also the possibility to choose an individual logo and background image. If you have not selected one, the system will automatically adopt the logo and background image of the company setting.

If you want to use for lead generation, why not link the workspace URL to appropriate pages? The potential leads then need to register to your workspace on and you will receive corresponding leads in the workspace. However, so that the lead does not have to wait for you to share it, there is an option in the workspace to share it for direct access. As soon as a user registers in the workspace, he sees your content accordingly and can access your offer directly without having to wait for your approval.

Set up home page from workspace

You can set up the following types of tiles in a workspace:

  1. Company
  2. Workspace
  3. Page
  4. Meeting
  5. Stage
  6. Document
  7. External
  8. HTML

Provide documents

In the document area you create and manage all documents of the area. If a document is marked as a “company-wide” document, it will appear in every workspace accordingly. This can be e.g. company brochure or image film, which can be made available to every visitor everywhere.

The following document types are currently possible:

  • PDF
  • Images in JPG, PNG
  • Videos
  • embedded web pages

When a new document is added, users with access to the workspace will see the new document in the status email. For public workspaces and public companies, NOT all users of the platform will be informed about the new document, but only users who are created in your user menu.

The documents can be provided in different languages. To do this, create a new document and upload it. Now select another language and upload the same document in another language. An example of how the document display works for the user:

You have uploaded an instruction manual in German, English and French into a document on The visitor from Italy, who has selected Italian in his profile, will be shown the English document, since this is available as the default language. The user from France gets the French document displayed, the German the German version and so on.

Set up virtual events – virtual events, hybrid events, webinars and more.

The complete virtual event world on is set up with just a few clicks. If you have already added all your contacts on in a workspace, you can inform all contacts about a new event with one click.

Set up a new event, choose the name and a short description, which will also be listed in the invitation email.

Select the date and duration of the event and the presenters, if there are more than one, who should be able to manage it.

After that, you can think about the details. Do you want the event to be available to everyone who visits your workspace? Is it a select group of participants? Shall there be a chat for the event, where ggfls. unknown users can write messages to each other for all to see?

Or opt for an event that requires attendees to register. This will tell you how many participants will be attending on the day of the event. You can also limit the number of participants, e.g. to have a manageable number of participants for workshops, which is easier to coordinate.

You have everything set up? Then only the image for the tile is missing, if you want to create it directly in this step. Otherwise, link to your set up event in the home area of the workspace so that it is visible to the visitor on the workspace page.

If you have created a private event, the tile will only be displayed to participants who have registered for the event or are invited to it. All other users of the Workspace will not see your event.